07 July 2012

It's been awhile and the gears have been turning. I've graduated, am getting ready to move very shortly and have just recently returned from Italy. Going there I was full of nerves, I only knew one person and not as well as I would have liked. Despite this, my days and nights were filled with adventure, constant surprise, so much laughter, getting lost and lost sleep.

Naturally I'm reclusive, and a bit antisocial. The beginning was a challenge because I had none of my usual comforts. The few people I hide behind in situations that make me unsure were not there. Perhaps it sounds bad, but in the end it was exceptionally good for me. I had the pleasure of meeting and connecting with so many fantastic individuals it is staggering. The friendship I have with who I traveled with feels so much stronger. 

Anyway, since this is technically an art blog I'll leave it at that. Be back to posting stuff soon, be well!